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If you are a developer like me, it is not unusual what a “Hello World” means. It is the simplest fundamental way of ensuring your program or code is working in a new language. In a way, it’s your first step towards the incredible journey ahead.

So here I begin mine.

def print_sayHello(name)
  puts "Hello World - #{name}"


#=> prints 'Hello World - rkeytech.io'

The Big Why

Blogging is not a new thing to me. I have contributed to many blogs in the past. Mostly on my organisations’ corporate blogging platform. However, the effort I put into writing those articles mostly has gone to waste. Some of my old companies have merged, and some have moved on from the platform. Some blogs are outdated, but I have no control over correcting those articles anymore.

After many battles with my thoughts, “Should I have owned a blog”. Finally, I decided to say “I Do”!

The brand

When I gave it my first thought about blogging, I wanted to name it unique. Something that I would hold closer to my heart. Though I love my name, sadly, it is too lengthy and has a twist everywhere I say it (However, in my native language, it has a very different meaning, and my parents expressed their love to their firstborn). I also needed it to be a brand that I could pass on one day.

So start scribbling names that define what I try to achieve and look for a domain name that I don’t need to pay a hefty premium to acquire. Finally, I believe I have found the one. Now it is for me to give it a purpose and life.

The letter R stands for both my first and last names the first letter. Double R’s. Oh no! It’s not Rolls-Royce.

Secondly, about more of what I am today — a software architect. In definition, An Architect is a qualified professional who designs and provides advice - both aesthetic and technical. It is a fundamental role of any construction and crucial to making a solid foundation, whether it’s a skyscraper or software. I am here to speak the latter — the tech stuff.

I/O in computing stands for input and output. So if you put quality input, I always believe you would get a quality output. So my sincere intention via the articles I am going to write is to improve the intake so that I would be able to improve the unimproved areas of technology that I am passionate about.

So here I baptise my new blog as rkeytech.io sounds as R-KEY-TECH (dot) I/O to resound with Architect.


What is Next?

Next, I gave a lot of thought to the question and probably the same question pondering right now in your mind if you are new to blogging: What I will write, how often should I write. Would people read what I write? Would people accept my opinions?

The answer I kept getting was, “you never know if you never try”.

I am going to keep my strategy very simple. I would write simply what I am passionate about and whenever I feel my thoughts, findings, and opinions are worth sharing. My goal would be to improve what is unimproved. I may do well; in some topics, I may need further improvement in some. But I am here to learn. “I’m always happy to be proven wrong.”

So if you find something helpful, feel free to share, like or say so. Likewise, if you see something questionable and could be further improved, feel free to initiate a conversation.

Let’s learn, share and thrive together.

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